*: Corresponding Author
114. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, K. Kisslinger, C.-Y. Nam*
113. C. Jewell, A. Subramanian, C.-Y. Nam*, R. Finke*
110. Y. Liu, S. Lee, Y. Lin, M. Li, M. Cotlet, C.-Y. Nam, J.-K. Lee*
109. L. Hu, V.T. Bui, S. Pal, W. Guo, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, S. Fan, C.-Y. Nam, Y. Ding, H. Lin*
108. Y.C. Jung, J.-H. Kim, H. Hernandez-Arriaga1, J. Mohan, S.M. Hwang, D.N. Le, A. Sahota, H.S. Kim, K. Kim, R. Choi, C.-Y. Nam, D. Alvarez Jr., J. Spiegelman, S.J. Kim, J. Kim*106. A. Shin, B.-K. Kim, M. Kim, M. Jeong, D. Lee, H. Ha, S.Y. Lee, C. Kim, S. Park, H.Y. Kim, C.-Y. Nam*, J.H. Han*105. J. Sun, F. Liu, U. Salahuddin, M. Wu, C. Zhu, X. Lu, B. Zhang, B. Zhao, Z. Xie, Y. Ding, D. Li, C.-Y. Nam, F.-Y. Zhang, P.-X. Gao*
Composite Structures 304, 116468 (2022)103. K.M. Lee, M. Brito, J. DeCoster, K. Linskens, K. Mehdi, W.-I. Lee, E. Kim, H. Kim, G. Kwon, C.-Y. Nam, T. Kim*
96. K.-C. Feng*, J. Li, L. Wang, Y.-C. Chuang, H. Liu, A. Pinkas-Sarafova, C.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Nam, M. Simon, M. Rafailovich*
97. Y. Zhou, N. Tiwale, Y. Yin, A. Subramanian, M. Rafailovich*, C.-Y. Nam*
96. K.-C. Feng*, J. Li, L. Wang, Y.-C. Chuang, H. Liu, A. Pinkas-Sarafova, C.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Nam, M. Simon, M. Rafailovich*
95. C.F. Jewell, A. Subramanian,C.-Y. Nam*, R.G. Finke*94. Z. Dai*, Z. Gao, S. Pershoguba, N. Tiwale, A. Subramanian, Q. Zhang, C. Eads, S.A. Tenney, R.M. Osgood, C.-Y. Nam, J. Zang, A.T.C. Johnson, J.T. Sadowski*93. Y. Zhou, Y. Yin, X. Zuo, L. Wang, T.-D. Li, Y. Xue, A. Subramanian, Y. Fang, Y. Guo, Z. Yang, M. Cotlet, C.-Y. Nam*, M.H. Rafailovich*92. B. Yalin, A.C Liapis*, M.D. Eisaman, D. Nykypanchuk, C.-Y. Nam*91. N. Tiwale, A. Subramanian, G. Freychet, E. Gann, K. Kisslinger, M. Lu, A. Stein, J. Kim, C.-Y. Nam*
Proceedings of SPIE 11612, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXVIII, 116120A (2021)
88. J. Mohan, H. Hernandez-Arriaga, Y.C. Jung, C.-Y. Nam, E.H.R. Tsai, J. Heo, R.M. Wallace, S.J. Kim*, J. Kim*,
86. N. Tiwale, A Subramanian, Z. Dai, S. Sikder, J. T. Sadowski, C.-Y. Nam*85. A.C. Liapis, A. Subramanian, S. Cho, K. Kisslinger, C.-Y. Nam*, S.-H. Yun* 84. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, G.S. Doerk, K. Kisslinger, C.-Y. Nam*
“Enhanced Hybridization and Nanopatterning via Heated Liquid-Phase Infiltration into Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films”
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 1444 (2020)
83. Y. Zhou, Y. Yin, X. Zuo, L. Wang, T.-D. Li, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, Z. Yang, Y. Guo, Y. Xue, K. Kisslinger, M. Cotlet, C.-Y. Nam*, M.H. Rafailovich*
“Enhancing Chemical Stability and Suppressing Ion Migration in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells via Direct Backbone Attachment of Polyesters on Grain Boundaries”
Chemistry of Materials 32, 5104 (2020)
82. S. Lee. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, K. Kisslinger, M. Mumtaz, L.-Y. Shi, K. Aissou, C.-Y. Nam*, C. Ross*
“Resolving Triblock Terpolymer Morphologies by Vapor-Phase Infiltration”
Chemistry of Materials 32, 5309 (2020)
81. N. Tiwale, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, M. Lu, J. Kim, A. Stein, C.-Y. Nam*
"Infiltration synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite resists for advanced nanolithography"
Proceedings of SPIE 11326, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXVII, 113260J (2020)
80. B. Zhang, H.-J. Lin, H. Gao, X. Lu, C.-Y. Nam, P.-X. Gao*
“Perovskite-Sensitized β-Ga2O3 Nanorod Arrays for Highly Selective and Sensitive NO2 Detection at High Temperature”
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 10845 (2020)
79. H. Back, G. Kim, H. Kim*, C.-Y. Nam, J. Kim, T. Kim, B. Park, J.R. Durrant, K. Lee*
“Highly stable inverted methylammonium lead tri-iodide perovskite solar cells achieved by surface re-crystallization”
Energy & Environmental Science 13, 840 (2020)
78. S. Kuk, Z. Wang, H. Yu, C.-Y. Nam, J.-H. Jeong*, D. Hwang*
"Nanosecond laser scribing for see-through CIGS thin film solar cells"
Progress in Photovoltaics 28, 135 (2020)
77. Z. Ren*, J. Yuan, X. Su, R. Bauer, Y. Xu, S. Mangla, F. Camino, C.-Y. Nam, M. Lu, Y. Shi*
86. N. Tiwale, A Subramanian, Z. Dai, S. Sikder, J. T. Sadowski, C.-Y. Nam*85. A.C. Liapis, A. Subramanian, S. Cho, K. Kisslinger, C.-Y. Nam*, S.-H. Yun* 84. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, G.S. Doerk, K. Kisslinger, C.-Y. Nam*
“Enhanced Hybridization and Nanopatterning via Heated Liquid-Phase Infiltration into Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films”
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 1444 (2020)
83. Y. Zhou, Y. Yin, X. Zuo, L. Wang, T.-D. Li, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, Z. Yang, Y. Guo, Y. Xue, K. Kisslinger, M. Cotlet, C.-Y. Nam*, M.H. Rafailovich*
“Enhancing Chemical Stability and Suppressing Ion Migration in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells via Direct Backbone Attachment of Polyesters on Grain Boundaries”
Chemistry of Materials 32, 5104 (2020)
82. S. Lee. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, K. Kisslinger, M. Mumtaz, L.-Y. Shi, K. Aissou, C.-Y. Nam*, C. Ross*
“Resolving Triblock Terpolymer Morphologies by Vapor-Phase Infiltration”
Chemistry of Materials 32, 5309 (2020)
81. N. Tiwale, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, M. Lu, J. Kim, A. Stein, C.-Y. Nam*
"Infiltration synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite resists for advanced nanolithography"
Proceedings of SPIE 11326, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXVII, 113260J (2020)
80. B. Zhang, H.-J. Lin, H. Gao, X. Lu, C.-Y. Nam, P.-X. Gao*
“Perovskite-Sensitized β-Ga2O3 Nanorod Arrays for Highly Selective and Sensitive NO2 Detection at High Temperature”
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 10845 (2020)
79. H. Back, G. Kim, H. Kim*, C.-Y. Nam, J. Kim, T. Kim, B. Park, J.R. Durrant, K. Lee*
“Highly stable inverted methylammonium lead tri-iodide perovskite solar cells achieved by surface re-crystallization”
Energy & Environmental Science 13, 840 (2020)
78. S. Kuk, Z. Wang, H. Yu, C.-Y. Nam, J.-H. Jeong*, D. Hwang*
"Nanosecond laser scribing for see-through CIGS thin film solar cells"
Progress in Photovoltaics 28, 135 (2020)
77. Z. Ren*, J. Yuan, X. Su, R. Bauer, Y. Xu, S. Mangla, F. Camino, C.-Y. Nam, M. Lu, Y. Shi*
Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-020-05103-1 (2020)
76. Z. Ren*, J. Yuan, X. Su, S. Mangla, C.-Y. Nam, M. Liu, S.A. Tenney, Y. Shi*
“Thermo-mechanical modeling and experimental validation for multilayered metallic microstructures”
Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-020-04988-2 (2020)
75. Z. Ren*, J. Yuan, X. Su, S. Mangla, C.-Y. Nam, M. Liu, S.A. Tenney, Y. Shi*
“Electro-thermal modeling and experimental validation for multilayered metallic microstructures”
Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-020-04964-w (2020)
74. N. Tiwale, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, M. Lu, J. Kim, A. Stein, C.-Y. Nam*
“Advancing the next generation nanolithography with infiltration synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite resists”
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 8803 (2019)
73. A. Subramanian, G. Doerk, K. Kisslinger, D.H. Yi, R.B. Grubbs, C.-Y. Nam*
“Direct Infiltration Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Electroactive ZnO Nanomesh Using Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films”
Nanoscale 11, 9533 (2019)
72. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, C.-Y. Nam*
“Review of Recent Advances in Applications of Vapor-Phase Material Infiltration Based on Atomic Layer Deposition”
JOM 71, 185 (2019)
71. L. Wang, Y. Zhou, Y. Yang, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, X. Zhuo, Y.-C. Chuang, Y. Yin, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Rafailovich*
“Suppression of carbon monoxide poisoning in proton exchange membrane fuel cells via gold nanoparticle/titania ultrathin film heterogeneous catalysts”
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2, 3479 (2019)
70. W. Tang, J. Weng, X. Lu, L. Wen, A. Suburamanian, C.-Y. Nam, P.-X. Gao*
“Alkali-Metal Poisoning Effect of Total CO and Propane Oxidation over Co3O4 Nanocatalysts”
Applied Catalysis B 256, 117859 (2019)
69. W. Tang, X. Lu, S. Du, S. Hoang, S. Wang, C.-Y. Nam*, P.-X. Gao*
“Ceria-based Nanoflake Arrays Integrated on 3D Cordierite Honeycombs for Efficient Low-Temperature Diesel Oxidation”
Applied Catalysis B 245, 623 (2019)
68. Y. Morimitsu, D. Salatto, N. Jiang, M. Sen, S. Nishitsuji, M.K. Endoh, B.M. Yavitt, A. Subramanian, C.-Y. Nam, R. Li, M. Fukuto, Y. Zhang, L. Wiegart, A. Fluerasu, K. Tanaka, T. Koga*
“Structurally-neutral densely packed homopolymer adsorbed chains for directed self-assembly of block copolymer thin films”
Macromolecules 52, 5157 (2019)
67. D.H. Yi, C.-Y. Nam, G. Doerk, C.T. Black, R.B. Grubbs*
“Infiltration synthesis of diverse metal oxide nanostructures from epoxidized diene–styrene block copolymer templates”
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 672 (2019)
66. J. Zheng, B. Lienhard, G. Doerk, M. Cotlet, E. Bersin, H.S. Kim, Y.-C. Byun, C.-Y. Nam, J. Kim, C.T. Black, D. Englund*
"Top-down fabrication of high-uniformity nanodiamonds by self-assembled block copolymer masks"
Scientific Reports 9, 6914 (2019)
65. Y. Shmueli, J. Jiang, Y. Zhou, Y. Xue, C.-C. Chang, G. Yuan, S.K. Satija, S. Lee, C.-Y. Nam, T. Kim, G. Marom, D. Gersappe, M. Rafailovich*
“Simultaneous in-situ X-ray scattering and infrared imaging of polymer extrusion in additive manufacturing”
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 1559 (2019)
64. S. Hoang, X. Lu, W. Tang, S. Wang, S. Dua, C.-Y. Nam, Y. Ding, R.D. Vinluan III, J.Zheng, P.-X. Gao*
“High Performance Diesel Oxidation Catalysts using Ultra-low Pt Loading on Titania Nanowire Array integrated Cordierite Honeycombs"
Catalyst Today 320, 2 (2019)
63. F.-Y. Shih, D. Choi, Q. Wu, C.-Y. Nam, R.B. Grubbs*,
“ipso-Arylative ring-opening polymerization as a route to electron-deficient conjugated polymers”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, 288 (2019)
62. L. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Timoshenko, S. Liu, Q. Qiao, K. Kisslinger, M. Cuiffo, Y.-C. Chuang, X. Zuo, Y. Xue, Y. Guo, C. Pan , H. Li, C.-Y. Nam, S. Bliznakov, P. Liu, A.I. Frenkel, Y. Zhu, M.H. Rafailovich*
“Designing Nanoplatelet Alloy/Nafion Catalytic Interface for Optimization of PEMFCs: Performance, Durability, and CO Resistance”
ACS Catalysis 9, 1446 (2019)
61. L. Wang, D. Yan, D.W. Shaffer, X. Ye, B.H. Layne, J.J. Concepcion, M. Liu, C.-Y. Nam*
“Improved Stability and Performance of Visible Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on Solution-Processed Organic Semiconductor Thin Films by Ultrathin Metal Oxide Passivation”
Chemistry of Materials 30, 324 (2018)
60. E.S. Muckley, L. Collins, A.V. Ievlev, X. Ye, K. Kisslinger, B.G. Sumpter, N.V. Larvik, C.-Y. Nam*, I.N. Ivanovic*
“Light-Activated Hybrid Nanocomposite Film for Water and Oygen Sensing”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 31745 (2018)
59. Z. Yang, Y. Guo, H. Li, Y. Zhou, X. Zuo, Y. Yu, C. Pan, J. Strzalka, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Rafailovich*
“Roles of Interfacial Tension in Regulating Internal Organization of Low Bandgap Polymer Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells by Polymer Additives”
Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1800435 (2018)
58. M. Li, P. Zhal, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Cotlet*
“Distinct Optoelectronic Signatures for Charge Transfer and Energy Transfer in Quantum Dot-MoS2 Hybrid Photodetectors Revealed by Photocurrent Imaging Microscopy”
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1707558 (2018)
57. N. Jiang, X. Di, D. Salatto, C.-Y. Nam, M. Fukuto, M.K. Endoh, T. Koga*
“Self-organization of triblock copolymer melt chains physisorbed on non-neutral surfaces”
ACS Omega 3, 17805 (2018)
56. Z. Yang, M. Moffa, Y. Liu, H. Li, L. Persano, A. Camposeo, R. Saija, M.A. Lati, O.M. Marggo, D. Pisignano*, C.-Y. Nam, E. Zussman, M.H. Rafailovich*
“Electrospun Conjugated Polymer/Fullerene Hybrid Fibers: Photoactive Blends, Conductivity through Tunnelling-AFM, Light-Scattering, and Perspective for Their Use in Bulk-Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 3058 (2018)
55. K. Dusoe*, X. Ye, K. Kisslinger, A. Stein, S.-W. Lee, C.-Y. Nam*
“Ultra-High Elastic Strain Energy Storage in Metal-Oxide-Infiltrated Patterned Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposites”
Nano Letters 17, 7416 (2017)
54. X. Ye, J. Kestell, K. Kisslinger, M. Liu, R.B. Grubbs, J.A. Boscoboinik, C.-Y. Nam*
“Effects of residual solvent molecules facilitating the ZnO infiltration synthesis in a non-reactive polymer”
Chemistry of Materials 29, 4535 (2017)
53. H. Li, Z. Yang, N. Jiang, S. Satija, D. Xu, D. Gersappe, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Rafailovich*
“A new strategy to engineer polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells with thick active layers via self-assembly of tertiary columnar phase”
Nanoscale 9, 11511 (2017)
52. C.-Y. Nam*, A. Stein
“Extreme Carrier Depletion and Super-Linear Photoconductivity in Ultrathin Parallel-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Array Photodetectors Fabricated by Infiltration Synthesis”
Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1700807 (2017)
51. J. Kestell*, K. Mudiyanselage, X. Ye, C.-Y. Nam, D.J. Stacchiola, J.T. Sadowski, J.A. Boscoboinik*
"Stand-Alone Polarization-Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy Instrument Optimized for the Study of Catalytic Processes at Elevated Pressures"
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 105109 (2017)
50. V.R. Manfrinato, A. Stein, L. Zhang, C.-Y. Nam, K.G. Yager, E.A. Stach*, C.T. Black*
"Aberration-Corrected Electron Beam Lithography at the One Nanometer Length Scale”
Nano Letters 17, 4562 (2017)
49. N. Jiang, L. Sendogdular, M. Sen, M.K. Endoh, T. Koga*, M. Fukuto, B. Akgun, S.K. Satija, C.-Y. Nam*
"Novel effects of compressed CO2 molecules on structural ordering and charge transport in conjugated poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films”
Langmuir 32, 10851 (2016)
48. S. Hoang, A. Ashraf, M.D. Eisaman, D. Nykypanchuk*, C.-Y. Nam*
“Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance of Ultrathin Si Solar Cells via Semiconductor Nanocrystal Sensitization: Energy Transfer vs. Optical Coupling Effects”
Nanoscale 8, 5873 (2016)
47. Y. Huang, H. Zang, J.-S. Chen, E.A. Sutter, P.W. Sutter*, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Cotlet*
“Hybrid quantum dot-tin disulfide field-effect transistors with improved photocurrent and spectral responsivity”
Applied Physics Letters 108, 123502 (2016)
46. T. Goh, J.-S. Huang, K. Yager, M.Y. Sfeir, C.-Y. Nam, X. Tong, L.M. Guard, P.R. Melvin, F. Antonio, B. Bartolome, M. Lee, N. Hazar*, A.D. Taylor*
“Quaternary Organic Solar Cells Enhanced by Cocrystalline Squaraines with Power Conversion Efficiencies >10%”
Advanced Energy Materials 6, 1600660 (2016)
45. H.-J. Lin, J.P. Baltrus, H. Gao, Y. Ding, C.-Y. Nam, P. Ohodnicki, P.-X. Gao*
“Perovskite Nanoparticle Sensitized Ga2O3 Nanorod Arrays for CO Detection at High Temperature”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 8880 (2016)
44. C.-Y. Nam*, A. Stein, K. Kisslinger, C.T. Black
“Electrical and structural properties of ZnO synthesized via infiltration of lithographically defined polymer templates”
Applied Physics Letters 107, 103206 (2015)
43. C.-Y. Nam*, A. Stein, K. Kisslinger
“Direct fabrication of high aspect-ratio metal oxide nanopatterns via sequential infiltration synthesis in lithographically-defined SU-8 templates”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 33, 06F201 (2015)
42. Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, G. Purdum, P. Khlyabich, M. Sezen, S. Oh, H. Zhu, B. Fowler, B. Zhang, W. Wang, C.-Y. Nam, M. Sfeir, C.T. Black, M. Steigerwald, Y.-L. Loo, F. Ng*, X. Zhu*, C. Nuckolls*
“Molecular Helices as Electron Acceptors in High-Performance Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”
Nature Communications 6, 8242 (2015)
41. M. Liu*, C.-Y. Nam, L. Zhang
“Seedless Growth of Bismuth Nanowire Array via Vacuum Thermal Evaporation”
Journal of Visualized Experiments 106, e53396 (2015)
40. L. Li*, I Bayn, M. Lu, C.-Y. Nam, T. Schroder, A. Stein, N.C. Harris, D. Englund*
“Nanofabrication on unconventional substrates using transferred hard masks”
Scientific Reports 5, 7802 (2015)
39. H. Hlaing*, C.-H. Kim, F. Carta, C.-Y. Nam, R. Barton, N. Petrone, J. Hone, I. Kymissis*
“Low-Voltage Organic Electronics Based on a Gate‒Tunable Injection Barrier in Vertical Graphene–Organic Semiconductor Heterostructures”
Nano Letters 15, 69 (2015)
38. X. Lu*, H. Hlaing, C.-Y. Nam, K.G. Yager, C.T. Black, B.M. Ocko*
“Molecular Orientation and Performance of Nanoimprinted Polymer-Based Blend Thin Film Solar Cells”
Chemistry of Materials 27, 60 (2015)
37. C.-Y. Nam*
“Ambient air processing causes light soaking effects in inverted organic solar cells having conjugated polyelectrolyte electron transfer layer”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 27219 (2014)
36. Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, W. Wang, B. Kumar, C.-Y. Nam, M.Y. Sfeir, C.T. Black, M.L. Steigerwald, S.X. Xiao*, F. Ng*, X.Y. Zhu*, C. Nuckolls*
“Efficient organic solar cells with helical perylene diimide electron acceptors”
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 15215 (2014)
35. M.Z. Liu*, J. Tao, C.-Y. Nam, K. Kisslinger, L. Zhang, D. Su,
"Surface-energy induced formation of single crystalline bismuth nanowires over vanadium thin film at room temperature"
Nano Letters 14, 5630 (2014)
34. Y.S. Park, Q. Wu, C.-Y. Nam, R.B. Grubbs*
"Polymerization of Tellurophene Derivatives via Microwave-Assisted Palladium-Catalyzed Ipso-arylative Polymerization"
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, 10691 (2014)
33. Y.S. Park, T.S. Kale, C.-Y. Nam, D. Choi, R.B. Grubbs*
"Effects of Heteroatom Substitution in Conjugated Heterocyclic Compounds on Photovoltaic Performance: From Sulfur to Tellurium"
Chemical Communications 50, 7964 (2014)
32. F.E. Camino, C.-Y. Nam, Y.T. Pang, J. Hoy, M.D. Eisaman, C.T. Black, M.Y. Sfeir*
"Characterization of Plasmonic Hole Arrays as Transparent Electrical Contacts for Organic Photovoltaics Using High Brightness Fourier Transform Methods"
Journal of Modern Optics 61, 1735 (2014)
30. J. Kamcev, D.S. Germack, D. Nykypanchuk, R.B. Grubbs, C.-Y. Nam*, C.T. Black*
"Chemically Enhancing Block Copolymers for Block-Selective Synthesis of Self-Assembled Metal Oxide Nanostructures"
ACS Nano 7, 339 (2013)
30. J. Li, X. Chen, W. Xu, C.-Y. Nam*, Y. Shi*
"TiO2 Nanofiber Solid-State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Thin TiO2 Hole Blocking Layer Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition"
Thin Solid Films 536, 275 (2013)
29. M.Z. Liu*, C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, J. Kamcev, L. Zhang
"Enhancing Water Splitting Activity and Chemical Stability of Zinc Oxide Nanowire Photoanodes with Ultrathin Titania Shells"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 13396 (2013)
28. .J. Jurow, B.A. Hageman, E. DiMasi*, C.-Y. Nam, C. Pabon, C.T. Black, C.M. Drain*
"Controlling Morphology and Molecular Packing of Alkane Substituted Phthalocyanine Blend Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, 1557 (2013)
27. C.-Y. Nam*
"Facile Determination of Bulk Charge Carrier Concentration in Organic Semiconductors: Out-of-Plane Orientation Hopping Conduction Characteristics in Semi-crystalline Polythiophene"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 23951 (2012)
26. C.-Y. Nam*, Y. Qin, Y.S. Park, H. Hlaing, X. Lu, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black, R.B. Grubbs*
"Photocrosslinkable Azide-Functionalized Polythiophene for Thermally Stable Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Macromolecules 45, 2338 (2012)
25. H. Hlaing, X. Lu, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko*
"Water-Vapor-Assisted Nanoimprinting of PEDOT:PSS Thin Films"
Small 8, 3443 (2012)
24. D.E. Johnston, K.G. Yager, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black*
"One-Volt Operation of High-Current Vertical Channel Polymer Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors"
Nano Letters 12, 4181 (2012)
23. J.E. Allen, K.G. Yager, H. Hlaing, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black*
"Implementing Nanometer-Scale Confinement in Organic Semiconductor Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Journal of Photonics for Energy 2, 021008 (2012)
22. C.-Y. Nam*, Q. Wu, D. Su, C.-Y. Chiu, N.J. Tremblay, C. Nuckolls, C.T. Black
"Nanostructured Electrodes for Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Model Study Using Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Polythiophene-Fullerene Blend Devices"
Journal of Applied Physics 110, 604307 (2011)
21. J.E Allen, K.G. Yager, H. Hliang, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black*
"Enhanced Charge Collection in Confined Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells"
Applied Physics Letters 99, 163301 (2011), selected as a cover article
20. A. Varotto, C.-Y. Nam, I. Radivojevic, J.P.C. Tome, J.A.S. Cavaleiro, C.T. Black*, C.M.Drain*,
"PhthalocyanineBlends Improve Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 2552 (2010)
19. I. Radivojevic, M.S. Sfeir, C.-Y. Nam, B.P. Burton-Pye, A. Falber, C.T. Black, C.M. Drain*
"Hafnium (IV) and zirconium (IV) porphyrinoid diacetate complexes as new dyes for solar cells "
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2010 35th IEEE, 3280 (2010)
18. W.Q. Han*, Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, E.E. Mendez
"Growth and Electronic Properties of GaN/ZnO Solid Solution Nanowires"
Applied Physics Letters 97, 083208 (2010)
17. C.-Y. Nam*, D. Su, C.T. Black
"High-Performance Air-Processed Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Advanced Functional Materials 19, 3552 (2009)
16. I.R. Gearba*, C.-Y. Nam, R. Pindak, C.T. Black
"Thermal Crosslinking of Organic Semiconducting Polythiophene Improves Transverse Hole Conductivity"
Applied Physics Letters 95, 173307 (2009)
15. A.C. Santulli, W. Xu, J.B. Parise, L. Wu, M.C. Aaronson, F. Zhang, C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, A.L. Tiano, S.S. Wong*
"Synthesis and Characterization of V2O3 Nanorods"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11, 3718 (2009)
2008 and Earlier
14. C. Guthy, C.-Y. Nam, J.E. Fischer*
"Unusually Low Thermal Conductivity of Gallium Nitride Nanowires"
Journal of Applied Physics 103, 064319 (2008)
13. C.-Y. Nam*, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer
"Self-Branching in GaN Nanowires Induced by a Novel Vapor-Liquid-Solid Mechanism"
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceeding 1058, JJ04.03 (2008)
12. D. Tham, C.-Y. Nam, K. Byon, J. Kim, J.E. Fischer*
"Application of Electron Microscopy to the Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires"
Applied Physics A 85, 227 (2006)
11. D. Tham, C.-Y. Nam, J.E. Fischer*
"Defects in Gallium Nitride Nanowires"
Advanced Functional Materials 16, 1197 (2006)
10. D. Tham, C.-Y. Nam, J.E. Fischer*
"Microstructure and Composition of Focused-ion-beam Deposited Pt Contacts to GaN Nanowires"
Advanced Materials 18, 290 (2006)
9. C.-Y. Nam, P. Jaroenapibal, D. Tham, D.E. Luzzi, S. Evoy*, J.E. Fischer*
"Diameter-dependent Electromechanical Properties of GaN Nanowires"
Nano Letters 6, 153 (2006)
8. C.-Y. Nam*, D. Tham, P. Jaroenapibal, J.Y. Kim, D.E. Luzzi, S. Evoy, J.E. Fischer
"Gallium Nitride Nanowires: Polar Surface Controlled Growth, Ohmic Contact Patterning by Focused Ion Beam Induced Direct Pt Deposition, and Disorder Effects; Variable Range Hopping and Resonant Electromechanical Properties"
Proceedings of SPIE 6370, Nanomaterial Synthesis and Integration for Sensors, Electronics, Photonics, and Electro-Optics, 63701F (2006)
7. C-Y. Nam, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer*
"Disorder Effects in Focused-lon-beam-deposited Pt Contacts on GaN Nanowires"
Nano Letters 5, 2029 (2005)
6. C.-Y. Nam, J.Y. Kim, J.E. Fischer*
"Focused-ion-beam Platinum Nanopatterning for GaN Nanowires: Ohmic Contacts and Patterned Growth"
Applied Physics Letters 86, 193112 (2005)
5. C.-Y. Nam, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer*
"Effect of the Polar Surface on GaN Nanostructure Morphology and Growth Orientation"
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceeding 831, E12.8.1 (2005)
4. C.-Y. Nam, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer*
"Effect of the Polar Surface on GaN Nanostructure Morphology and Growth Orientation"
Applied Physics Letters 85, 5676 (2004)
3. C.-Y. Nam, J.H. Han*, Y.H. Chung, M.C. Shin
"Effects of Precipitates on Microstructrual Evolution of 7050 Al Alloy Sheet During Equal Channel Angular Rolling"
Materials Science and Engineering A 347, 253 (2003)
2. C.-Y. Nam*, M.H. Oh, K.S. Kumar, D.M. Wee
"Effect of Nitrogen on the Mean Lamellar Thickness of Fully Lamellar TiAl Alloys"
Scripta Materialia 46, 441 (2002)
1. C.-Y. Nam, D.M. Wee, P. Wang, K.S. Kumar*
"Microstructure and Toughness of Nitrogen-Doped TiAl Alloys"
Intermetallics 10, 113 (2002)
C.-Y. Nam
“Gallium nitride nanowires: Synthesis, resonant electromechanical properties, ion beam disorder effect on contact conduction, and heterojunction fabrication”,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania (2007)
C.-Y. Nam, J. Kim, A. Stein, N. Tiwale, S.M. Hwang, M. Lu, A. Subramanian
“Inorganic Infiltrated Polymer Hybrid Thin Film Resists for Advanced Lithography”,
U.S. Patent Application 16/808661
C.-Y. Nam, J. Kamcev, C. T. Black, R. B. Grubbs
“Patterning Area by Selective Oxidation”,
U.S. Patent US 9,221,957
M. Liu, C.-Y. Nam
“Nanowires and Methods of Forming”,
U.S. Patent Application US 2015/0325649 A1
M. Liu, C.-Y. Nam, C. T. Black
“Chemically Passivated Zinc Oxide Photoelectrode for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”,
U.S. Patent Application US 2015/0122639 A1
D.E. Johnston, J.E. Allen, E. Baker, C.T. Black, C.-Y. Nam
"Transfer Chamber for Air-Sensitive Sample Processing",
U.S. Patent Application US 2014/0096483 A1
D.E. Johnston, J.E. Allen, C.T. Black, C.-Y. Nam
"Interdigitated Electrical Contacts for Low Electron Mobility Semiconductors",
U.S. Patent Application US 2014/0216539 A1
C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black
"Inorganic Nanocrystal Bulk Heterojunction",
U.S. Patent Application US 2010/0276731 A1
C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, I.R. Gearba, J.E. Allen
"Nanostructured Pillar Electrodes",
U.S. Patent Application US 2011/0248315 A1
76. Z. Ren*, J. Yuan, X. Su, S. Mangla, C.-Y. Nam, M. Liu, S.A. Tenney, Y. Shi*
“Thermo-mechanical modeling and experimental validation for multilayered metallic microstructures”
Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-020-04988-2 (2020)
75. Z. Ren*, J. Yuan, X. Su, S. Mangla, C.-Y. Nam, M. Liu, S.A. Tenney, Y. Shi*
“Electro-thermal modeling and experimental validation for multilayered metallic microstructures”
Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-020-04964-w (2020)
74. N. Tiwale, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, M. Lu, J. Kim, A. Stein, C.-Y. Nam*
“Advancing the next generation nanolithography with infiltration synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite resists”
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 8803 (2019)
73. A. Subramanian, G. Doerk, K. Kisslinger, D.H. Yi, R.B. Grubbs, C.-Y. Nam*
“Direct Infiltration Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Electroactive ZnO Nanomesh Using Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films”
Nanoscale 11, 9533 (2019)
72. A. Subramanian, N. Tiwale, C.-Y. Nam*
“Review of Recent Advances in Applications of Vapor-Phase Material Infiltration Based on Atomic Layer Deposition”
JOM 71, 185 (2019)
71. L. Wang, Y. Zhou, Y. Yang, A. Subramanian, K. Kisslinger, X. Zhuo, Y.-C. Chuang, Y. Yin, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Rafailovich*
“Suppression of carbon monoxide poisoning in proton exchange membrane fuel cells via gold nanoparticle/titania ultrathin film heterogeneous catalysts”
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2, 3479 (2019)
70. W. Tang, J. Weng, X. Lu, L. Wen, A. Suburamanian, C.-Y. Nam, P.-X. Gao*
“Alkali-Metal Poisoning Effect of Total CO and Propane Oxidation over Co3O4 Nanocatalysts”
Applied Catalysis B 256, 117859 (2019)
69. W. Tang, X. Lu, S. Du, S. Hoang, S. Wang, C.-Y. Nam*, P.-X. Gao*
“Ceria-based Nanoflake Arrays Integrated on 3D Cordierite Honeycombs for Efficient Low-Temperature Diesel Oxidation”
Applied Catalysis B 245, 623 (2019)
68. Y. Morimitsu, D. Salatto, N. Jiang, M. Sen, S. Nishitsuji, M.K. Endoh, B.M. Yavitt, A. Subramanian, C.-Y. Nam, R. Li, M. Fukuto, Y. Zhang, L. Wiegart, A. Fluerasu, K. Tanaka, T. Koga*
“Structurally-neutral densely packed homopolymer adsorbed chains for directed self-assembly of block copolymer thin films”
Macromolecules 52, 5157 (2019)
67. D.H. Yi, C.-Y. Nam, G. Doerk, C.T. Black, R.B. Grubbs*
“Infiltration synthesis of diverse metal oxide nanostructures from epoxidized diene–styrene block copolymer templates”
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 672 (2019)
66. J. Zheng, B. Lienhard, G. Doerk, M. Cotlet, E. Bersin, H.S. Kim, Y.-C. Byun, C.-Y. Nam, J. Kim, C.T. Black, D. Englund*
"Top-down fabrication of high-uniformity nanodiamonds by self-assembled block copolymer masks"
Scientific Reports 9, 6914 (2019)
65. Y. Shmueli, J. Jiang, Y. Zhou, Y. Xue, C.-C. Chang, G. Yuan, S.K. Satija, S. Lee, C.-Y. Nam, T. Kim, G. Marom, D. Gersappe, M. Rafailovich*
“Simultaneous in-situ X-ray scattering and infrared imaging of polymer extrusion in additive manufacturing”
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 1559 (2019)
64. S. Hoang, X. Lu, W. Tang, S. Wang, S. Dua, C.-Y. Nam, Y. Ding, R.D. Vinluan III, J.Zheng, P.-X. Gao*
“High Performance Diesel Oxidation Catalysts using Ultra-low Pt Loading on Titania Nanowire Array integrated Cordierite Honeycombs"
Catalyst Today 320, 2 (2019)
“ipso-Arylative ring-opening polymerization as a route to electron-deficient conjugated polymers”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, 288 (2019)
62. L. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Timoshenko, S. Liu, Q. Qiao, K. Kisslinger, M. Cuiffo, Y.-C. Chuang, X. Zuo, Y. Xue, Y. Guo, C. Pan , H. Li, C.-Y. Nam, S. Bliznakov, P. Liu, A.I. Frenkel, Y. Zhu, M.H. Rafailovich*
“Designing Nanoplatelet Alloy/Nafion Catalytic Interface for Optimization of PEMFCs: Performance, Durability, and CO Resistance”
ACS Catalysis 9, 1446 (2019)
61. L. Wang, D. Yan, D.W. Shaffer, X. Ye, B.H. Layne, J.J. Concepcion, M. Liu, C.-Y. Nam*
“Improved Stability and Performance of Visible Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on Solution-Processed Organic Semiconductor Thin Films by Ultrathin Metal Oxide Passivation”
Chemistry of Materials 30, 324 (2018)
60. E.S. Muckley, L. Collins, A.V. Ievlev, X. Ye, K. Kisslinger, B.G. Sumpter, N.V. Larvik, C.-Y. Nam*, I.N. Ivanovic*
“Light-Activated Hybrid Nanocomposite Film for Water and Oygen Sensing”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 31745 (2018)
59. Z. Yang, Y. Guo, H. Li, Y. Zhou, X. Zuo, Y. Yu, C. Pan, J. Strzalka, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Rafailovich*
“Roles of Interfacial Tension in Regulating Internal Organization of Low Bandgap Polymer Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells by Polymer Additives”
Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1800435 (2018)
58. M. Li, P. Zhal, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Cotlet*
“Distinct Optoelectronic Signatures for Charge Transfer and Energy Transfer in Quantum Dot-MoS2 Hybrid Photodetectors Revealed by Photocurrent Imaging Microscopy”
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1707558 (2018)
57. N. Jiang, X. Di, D. Salatto, C.-Y. Nam, M. Fukuto, M.K. Endoh, T. Koga*
“Self-organization of triblock copolymer melt chains physisorbed on non-neutral surfaces”
ACS Omega 3, 17805 (2018)
56. Z. Yang, M. Moffa, Y. Liu, H. Li, L. Persano, A. Camposeo, R. Saija, M.A. Lati, O.M. Marggo, D. Pisignano*, C.-Y. Nam, E. Zussman, M.H. Rafailovich*
“Electrospun Conjugated Polymer/Fullerene Hybrid Fibers: Photoactive Blends, Conductivity through Tunnelling-AFM, Light-Scattering, and Perspective for Their Use in Bulk-Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 3058 (2018)
55. K. Dusoe*, X. Ye, K. Kisslinger, A. Stein, S.-W. Lee, C.-Y. Nam*
“Ultra-High Elastic Strain Energy Storage in Metal-Oxide-Infiltrated Patterned Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposites”
Nano Letters 17, 7416 (2017)
54. X. Ye, J. Kestell, K. Kisslinger, M. Liu, R.B. Grubbs, J.A. Boscoboinik, C.-Y. Nam*
“Effects of residual solvent molecules facilitating the ZnO infiltration synthesis in a non-reactive polymer”
Chemistry of Materials 29, 4535 (2017)
53. H. Li, Z. Yang, N. Jiang, S. Satija, D. Xu, D. Gersappe, C.-Y. Nam*, M. Rafailovich*
“A new strategy to engineer polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells with thick active layers via self-assembly of tertiary columnar phase”
Nanoscale 9, 11511 (2017)
52. C.-Y. Nam*, A. Stein
“Extreme Carrier Depletion and Super-Linear Photoconductivity in Ultrathin Parallel-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Array Photodetectors Fabricated by Infiltration Synthesis”
Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1700807 (2017)
51. J. Kestell*, K. Mudiyanselage, X. Ye, C.-Y. Nam, D.J. Stacchiola, J.T. Sadowski, J.A. Boscoboinik*
"Stand-Alone Polarization-Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy Instrument Optimized for the Study of Catalytic Processes at Elevated Pressures"
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 105109 (2017)
50. V.R. Manfrinato, A. Stein, L. Zhang, C.-Y. Nam, K.G. Yager, E.A. Stach*, C.T. Black*
"Aberration-Corrected Electron Beam Lithography at the One Nanometer Length Scale”
Nano Letters 17, 4562 (2017)
49. N. Jiang, L. Sendogdular, M. Sen, M.K. Endoh, T. Koga*, M. Fukuto, B. Akgun, S.K. Satija, C.-Y. Nam*
"Novel effects of compressed CO2 molecules on structural ordering and charge transport in conjugated poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films”
Langmuir 32, 10851 (2016)
48. S. Hoang, A. Ashraf, M.D. Eisaman, D. Nykypanchuk*, C.-Y. Nam*
“Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance of Ultrathin Si Solar Cells via Semiconductor Nanocrystal Sensitization: Energy Transfer vs. Optical Coupling Effects”
Nanoscale 8, 5873 (2016)
“Hybrid quantum dot-tin disulfide field-effect transistors with improved photocurrent and spectral responsivity”
Applied Physics Letters 108, 123502 (2016)
46. T. Goh, J.-S. Huang, K. Yager, M.Y. Sfeir, C.-Y. Nam, X. Tong, L.M. Guard, P.R. Melvin, F. Antonio, B. Bartolome, M. Lee, N. Hazar*, A.D. Taylor*
“Quaternary Organic Solar Cells Enhanced by Cocrystalline Squaraines with Power Conversion Efficiencies >10%”
Advanced Energy Materials 6, 1600660 (2016)
45. H.-J. Lin, J.P. Baltrus, H. Gao, Y. Ding, C.-Y. Nam, P. Ohodnicki, P.-X. Gao*
“Perovskite Nanoparticle Sensitized Ga2O3 Nanorod Arrays for CO Detection at High Temperature”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 8880 (2016)
44. C.-Y. Nam*, A. Stein, K. Kisslinger, C.T. Black
“Electrical and structural properties of ZnO synthesized via infiltration of lithographically defined polymer templates”
Applied Physics Letters 107, 103206 (2015)
43. C.-Y. Nam*, A. Stein, K. Kisslinger
“Direct fabrication of high aspect-ratio metal oxide nanopatterns via sequential infiltration synthesis in lithographically-defined SU-8 templates”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 33, 06F201 (2015)
42. Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, G. Purdum, P. Khlyabich, M. Sezen, S. Oh, H. Zhu, B. Fowler, B. Zhang, W. Wang, C.-Y. Nam, M. Sfeir, C.T. Black, M. Steigerwald, Y.-L. Loo, F. Ng*, X. Zhu*, C. Nuckolls*
“Molecular Helices as Electron Acceptors in High-Performance Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”
Nature Communications 6, 8242 (2015)
41. M. Liu*, C.-Y. Nam, L. Zhang
“Seedless Growth of Bismuth Nanowire Array via Vacuum Thermal Evaporation”
Journal of Visualized Experiments 106, e53396 (2015)
40. L. Li*, I Bayn, M. Lu, C.-Y. Nam, T. Schroder, A. Stein, N.C. Harris, D. Englund*
“Nanofabrication on unconventional substrates using transferred hard masks”
Scientific Reports 5, 7802 (2015)
39. H. Hlaing*, C.-H. Kim, F. Carta, C.-Y. Nam, R. Barton, N. Petrone, J. Hone, I. Kymissis*
“Low-Voltage Organic Electronics Based on a Gate‒Tunable Injection Barrier in Vertical Graphene–Organic Semiconductor Heterostructures”
Nano Letters 15, 69 (2015)
38. X. Lu*, H. Hlaing, C.-Y. Nam, K.G. Yager, C.T. Black, B.M. Ocko*
“Molecular Orientation and Performance of Nanoimprinted Polymer-Based Blend Thin Film Solar Cells”
Chemistry of Materials 27, 60 (2015)
37. C.-Y. Nam*
“Ambient air processing causes light soaking effects in inverted organic solar cells having conjugated polyelectrolyte electron transfer layer”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 27219 (2014)
36. Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, W. Wang, B. Kumar, C.-Y. Nam, M.Y. Sfeir, C.T. Black, M.L. Steigerwald, S.X. Xiao*, F. Ng*, X.Y. Zhu*, C. Nuckolls*
“Efficient organic solar cells with helical perylene diimide electron acceptors”
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 15215 (2014)
35. M.Z. Liu*, J. Tao, C.-Y. Nam, K. Kisslinger, L. Zhang, D. Su,
"Surface-energy induced formation of single crystalline bismuth nanowires over vanadium thin film at room temperature"
Nano Letters 14, 5630 (2014)
34. Y.S. Park, Q. Wu, C.-Y. Nam, R.B. Grubbs*
"Polymerization of Tellurophene Derivatives via Microwave-Assisted Palladium-Catalyzed Ipso-arylative Polymerization"
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, 10691 (2014)
33. Y.S. Park, T.S. Kale, C.-Y. Nam, D. Choi, R.B. Grubbs*
"Effects of Heteroatom Substitution in Conjugated Heterocyclic Compounds on Photovoltaic Performance: From Sulfur to Tellurium"
Chemical Communications 50, 7964 (2014)
32. F.E. Camino, C.-Y. Nam, Y.T. Pang, J. Hoy, M.D. Eisaman, C.T. Black, M.Y. Sfeir*
"Characterization of Plasmonic Hole Arrays as Transparent Electrical Contacts for Organic Photovoltaics Using High Brightness Fourier Transform Methods"
Journal of Modern Optics 61, 1735 (2014)
30. J. Kamcev, D.S. Germack, D. Nykypanchuk, R.B. Grubbs, C.-Y. Nam*, C.T. Black*
"Chemically Enhancing Block Copolymers for Block-Selective Synthesis of Self-Assembled Metal Oxide Nanostructures"
ACS Nano 7, 339 (2013)
30. J. Li, X. Chen, W. Xu, C.-Y. Nam*, Y. Shi*
"TiO2 Nanofiber Solid-State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Thin TiO2 Hole Blocking Layer Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition"
Thin Solid Films 536, 275 (2013)
29. M.Z. Liu*, C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, J. Kamcev, L. Zhang
"Enhancing Water Splitting Activity and Chemical Stability of Zinc Oxide Nanowire Photoanodes with Ultrathin Titania Shells"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 13396 (2013)
28. .J. Jurow, B.A. Hageman, E. DiMasi*, C.-Y. Nam, C. Pabon, C.T. Black, C.M. Drain*
"Controlling Morphology and Molecular Packing of Alkane Substituted Phthalocyanine Blend Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, 1557 (2013)
27. C.-Y. Nam*
"Facile Determination of Bulk Charge Carrier Concentration in Organic Semiconductors: Out-of-Plane Orientation Hopping Conduction Characteristics in Semi-crystalline Polythiophene"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 23951 (2012)
26. C.-Y. Nam*, Y. Qin, Y.S. Park, H. Hlaing, X. Lu, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black, R.B. Grubbs*
"Photocrosslinkable Azide-Functionalized Polythiophene for Thermally Stable Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Macromolecules 45, 2338 (2012)
25. H. Hlaing, X. Lu, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko*
"Water-Vapor-Assisted Nanoimprinting of PEDOT:PSS Thin Films"
Small 8, 3443 (2012)
24. D.E. Johnston, K.G. Yager, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black*
"One-Volt Operation of High-Current Vertical Channel Polymer Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors"
Nano Letters 12, 4181 (2012)
23. J.E. Allen, K.G. Yager, H. Hlaing, C.-Y. Nam, B.M. Ocko, C.T. Black*
"Implementing Nanometer-Scale Confinement in Organic Semiconductor Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Journal of Photonics for Energy 2, 021008 (2012)
22. C.-Y. Nam*, Q. Wu, D. Su, C.-Y. Chiu, N.J. Tremblay, C. Nuckolls, C.T. Black
"Nanostructured Electrodes for Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Model Study Using Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Polythiophene-Fullerene Blend Devices"
Journal of Applied Physics 110, 604307 (2011)
"Enhanced Charge Collection in Confined Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells"
Applied Physics Letters 99, 163301 (2011), selected as a cover article
20. A. Varotto, C.-Y. Nam, I. Radivojevic, J.P.C. Tome, J.A.S. Cavaleiro, C.T. Black*, C.M.Drain*,
"PhthalocyanineBlends Improve Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 2552 (2010)
19. I. Radivojevic, M.S. Sfeir, C.-Y. Nam, B.P. Burton-Pye, A. Falber, C.T. Black, C.M. Drain*
"Hafnium (IV) and zirconium (IV) porphyrinoid diacetate complexes as new dyes for solar cells "
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2010 35th IEEE, 3280 (2010)
18. W.Q. Han*, Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, E.E. Mendez
"Growth and Electronic Properties of GaN/ZnO Solid Solution Nanowires"
Applied Physics Letters 97, 083208 (2010)
17. C.-Y. Nam*, D. Su, C.T. Black
"High-Performance Air-Processed Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells"
Advanced Functional Materials 19, 3552 (2009)
16. I.R. Gearba*, C.-Y. Nam, R. Pindak, C.T. Black
"Thermal Crosslinking of Organic Semiconducting Polythiophene Improves Transverse Hole Conductivity"
Applied Physics Letters 95, 173307 (2009)
15. A.C. Santulli, W. Xu, J.B. Parise, L. Wu, M.C. Aaronson, F. Zhang, C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, A.L. Tiano, S.S. Wong*
"Synthesis and Characterization of V2O3 Nanorods"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11, 3718 (2009)
2008 and Earlier
14. C. Guthy, C.-Y. Nam, J.E. Fischer*
"Unusually Low Thermal Conductivity of Gallium Nitride Nanowires"
Journal of Applied Physics 103, 064319 (2008)
13. C.-Y. Nam*, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer
"Self-Branching in GaN Nanowires Induced by a Novel Vapor-Liquid-Solid Mechanism"
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceeding 1058, JJ04.03 (2008)
12. D. Tham, C.-Y. Nam, K. Byon, J. Kim, J.E. Fischer*
"Application of Electron Microscopy to the Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires"
Applied Physics A 85, 227 (2006)
11. D. Tham, C.-Y. Nam, J.E. Fischer*
"Defects in Gallium Nitride Nanowires"
Advanced Functional Materials 16, 1197 (2006)
10. D. Tham, C.-Y. Nam, J.E. Fischer*
"Microstructure and Composition of Focused-ion-beam Deposited Pt Contacts to GaN Nanowires"
Advanced Materials 18, 290 (2006)
9. C.-Y. Nam, P. Jaroenapibal, D. Tham, D.E. Luzzi, S. Evoy*, J.E. Fischer*
"Diameter-dependent Electromechanical Properties of GaN Nanowires"
Nano Letters 6, 153 (2006)
8. C.-Y. Nam*, D. Tham, P. Jaroenapibal, J.Y. Kim, D.E. Luzzi, S. Evoy, J.E. Fischer
"Gallium Nitride Nanowires: Polar Surface Controlled Growth, Ohmic Contact Patterning by Focused Ion Beam Induced Direct Pt Deposition, and Disorder Effects; Variable Range Hopping and Resonant Electromechanical Properties"
Proceedings of SPIE 6370, Nanomaterial Synthesis and Integration for Sensors, Electronics, Photonics, and Electro-Optics, 63701F (2006)
7. C-Y. Nam, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer*
"Disorder Effects in Focused-lon-beam-deposited Pt Contacts on GaN Nanowires"
Nano Letters 5, 2029 (2005)
6. C.-Y. Nam, J.Y. Kim, J.E. Fischer*
"Focused-ion-beam Platinum Nanopatterning for GaN Nanowires: Ohmic Contacts and Patterned Growth"
Applied Physics Letters 86, 193112 (2005)
5. C.-Y. Nam, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer*
"Effect of the Polar Surface on GaN Nanostructure Morphology and Growth Orientation"
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceeding 831, E12.8.1 (2005)
4. C.-Y. Nam, D. Tham, J.E. Fischer*
"Effect of the Polar Surface on GaN Nanostructure Morphology and Growth Orientation"
Applied Physics Letters 85, 5676 (2004)
3. C.-Y. Nam, J.H. Han*, Y.H. Chung, M.C. Shin
"Effects of Precipitates on Microstructrual Evolution of 7050 Al Alloy Sheet During Equal Channel Angular Rolling"
Materials Science and Engineering A 347, 253 (2003)
2. C.-Y. Nam*, M.H. Oh, K.S. Kumar, D.M. Wee
"Effect of Nitrogen on the Mean Lamellar Thickness of Fully Lamellar TiAl Alloys"
Scripta Materialia 46, 441 (2002)
1. C.-Y. Nam, D.M. Wee, P. Wang, K.S. Kumar*
"Microstructure and Toughness of Nitrogen-Doped TiAl Alloys"
Intermetallics 10, 113 (2002)
C.-Y. Nam
“Gallium nitride nanowires: Synthesis, resonant electromechanical properties, ion beam disorder effect on contact conduction, and heterojunction fabrication”,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania (2007)
C.-Y. Nam, J. Kim, A. Stein, N. Tiwale, S.M. Hwang, M. Lu, A. Subramanian
“Inorganic Infiltrated Polymer Hybrid Thin Film Resists for Advanced Lithography”,
U.S. Patent Application 16/808661
C.-Y. Nam, J. Kamcev, C. T. Black, R. B. Grubbs
“Patterning Area by Selective Oxidation”,
U.S. Patent US 9,221,957
M. Liu, C.-Y. Nam
“Nanowires and Methods of Forming”,
U.S. Patent Application US 2015/0325649 A1
M. Liu, C.-Y. Nam, C. T. Black
“Chemically Passivated Zinc Oxide Photoelectrode for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”,
U.S. Patent Application US 2015/0122639 A1
D.E. Johnston, J.E. Allen, E. Baker, C.T. Black, C.-Y. Nam
"Transfer Chamber for Air-Sensitive Sample Processing",
U.S. Patent Application US 2014/0096483 A1
"Interdigitated Electrical Contacts for Low Electron Mobility Semiconductors",
U.S. Patent Application US 2014/0216539 A1
C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black
"Inorganic Nanocrystal Bulk Heterojunction",
U.S. Patent Application US 2010/0276731 A1
C.-Y. Nam, C.T. Black, I.R. Gearba, J.E. Allen
"Nanostructured Pillar Electrodes",
U.S. Patent Application US 2011/0248315 A1