8-24-2024 Chang-Yong co-organized Materials Science and Enginering Symposium during US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2024, San Francisco CA, and presented an invited talk titled "Research Landscapes in Extremely Scaled Energy-Efficient Next-Generation Microelectronics". He also presented an invited talk in the NST Forum, titled: "Careers at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories" 

8-20-2024 Chang-Yong had two scheduled invited talks during the ACS Fall Meeting in Denver CO, each titled: "EUVL Patterning Characteristics of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Photoresist Generated by Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI)" and "Vapor-phase infiltration (VPI) / sequential infiltration synthesis (SIS) for advanced patterning applications".

8-6-2024 Chang-Yong served as a program committee member for ALD/ALE 2023, Helsinki Finland. He also presented a contributed talk, titled: "Surprising, Simultaneously Enhanced H2/CO2 Selectivity & H2 Permeability in Polymer Gas Separation Membranes by 1-cycle Alumina Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD): The Effects of Inadvertent Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI)".

6-17-2024 Hwan joined the team as a postdoctoral research associate after obtaining his Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from North Carolina State University with Greg Parsons. He will be working on the atomic layer etching of 2D quantum materials. Welcome to the team.

 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during 2024 EUVL Workshop held at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Berkeley CA, Title: "DOE Accelerate Initiative Project for Accelerating Next-Generation EUV Photoresist Development".

6-3-2024 Istiaque joined the team as a postdoctoral research associate after obtaining his Ph.D. in Materials Science Engineering from Lehigh University. He will be working on the application of vapor-phase infiltration for developing novel hybrid EUVL photoresists as a part of the DOE Accelerate Initiative Project. Welcome to the team.

6-3-2024 Reid Maggio joined as an Undergraduate Research Assistants from Stony Brook University, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. She is participating via DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program. Welcome to the team.

5-13-2024 Seunghoon, Won-Il, and Shixian presented contributed posters during the 2024 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting, each titled: "Tantalum Oxide Memristor with CMOS Integration for Energy Efficient Computing"; "Aluminum based hybrid resist synthesized by molecular layer deposition for electron beam lithography", and "Surface- and Temperature-dependent Atomic Layer Deposition of Ruthenium Thin Films for Extremely Scaled Microelectronics Interconnect Applications"

3-25-2024 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Microelectronics Research Lab, Yorktown NY, Title: "CFN Intro and Microelectronics Capabilities".

 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk during TMS 153rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando FL. Title: "2D MoS2 Additives for Improved Performance and Stability of Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning 2024, San Jose CA, Title: “Vapor-phase infiltration (VPI) / sequential infiltration synthesis (SIS) for advanced patterning applications”.

2-27-2024 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at Stanford University, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Stanford CA, Title: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices”.

 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the Computer Science Initiative (CSI) of BNL during the visit by the program manager of DOE ASCR Applied Math, Upton NY, Title: "ML and Algorithm Needs for Microelectronics Research".

12-19-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the NSLS-II Strategic Planning Brainstorming Session, Upton NY, Title: "Materials challenges in energy-efficient next-generation microelectronics".

 Dongsung joined the team as a visiting postdoctoral research associate from Korea University / Kyung Hee University. He will be working on the application of self-assembled block copolymer thin films to enhancing biomedical sensors.

11-28-2023 Jae-Won (Bryan) presented a contributed talk during 2023 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston MA, Title: "Young’s modulus of multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes measured by in-situ nanoelectromechanical resonance".

11-17-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the University of Texas at Arlington, Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, Arlington TX, Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Device".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited lecture at Stony Brook University, Dept. Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Application of atomic layer deposition techniques for microelectronics”

 Chang-Yong and Wonil attended and presented an annual project review presentation during the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) LMD / NMP Combined 2023 Annual Review at IBM Albany NanoTech, Albany NY, Title: “Novel Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Dry Resists Deposited by Molecular Atomic Layer Deposition (MALD)”.

10-3-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) 2023, Columbus OH, Invited Talk, Title: “Two-dimensional material additives in hybrid perovskite solar cells for improving performance”.

9-11-2023 Chang-Yong will lead an $8M DOE Accelerate Project entitled: “Angstrom Era Semiconductor Patterning Material Development Accelerator”, leading a research team consisting of BNL, LBNL, Stanford U., UT Dallas, and Cal. State U. Northridge, managing $5M portion of funding at BNL. The project aims to develop a next-generation EUV photoresist materials development platform.

 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during Atomic Layer Infiltration and Deposition for Functional Hybrid Materials 2023 Workshop, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, Invited Talk, Title: “Application of Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices”. He also presented an Invited Tutorial Lecture, Title: "Basics of vapor-phase materials deposition and introduction to atomic layer deposition"

8-21-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during 2023 Next Generation Lithography (NGL) Conference, August 2023, Suwon, Korea (virtual), Invited Talk, Title: “Vapor-Synthesized Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Photoresists via Atomic Layer Deposition Techniques”.

 Bryan presented a contributed talk during the 2023 Summer Internships Programs Symposium, Upton NY, titled "Electromechanical properties of multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes".

8-4-2023 Chang-Yong served as the Conference Program Chair for US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2023, Dallas / Fort Worth TX. He co-organized Materials Science and Enginering Symposium and presented an invited talk titled "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Microelectronics Applications".

 Chang-Yong served as a program committee member for ALD/ALE 2023, Bellevue WA. He also presented a contributed talk, titled "High-resolution EUV lithographic patterning characteristics of InOx-PMMA hybrid photoresist generated by vapor-phase infiltration". Wonil also presented a contributed poster titled "Electrical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures Derived from Sequential Infiltration Synthesis in Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Patterns: Effects of Alumina Priming".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during IEEE Nano 2023, Jeju, Korea, Title: "Application of 2D materials as additives in hybrid perovskite solar cells for improved performance and stability".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Dept. Chemistry, Ulsan, Korea, Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Device".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar aPohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang, Korea, Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Device".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition".

 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during 2023 EUVL Workshop and Supplier Showcase held at IMEC, Leuven, Belgium. Title: "Atomic Layer Deposition Derived Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Resists".

 Melinda Lin joined as an Undergraduate Research Assistants from Stony Brook University, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. She is participating via DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program. Welcome to the team.

5-8-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar for the Ming Hsieh Institute Seminar Series, University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA. Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices".

5-8-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during Northrop Grumman - Brookhaven Workshop, Redondo Beach CA. Title: "CFN Research Capabilities for Microelectronics".

4-29-2023 Chang-Yong presented a keynote talk during Northeast Regional Conference (NRC) 2023 of Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), Montclair NJ. Title: "Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices".

4-5-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at Tokyo Electron Ltd. (TEL) at Albany NanoTech, Albany NY. Title: "Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Photoresists Derived from Atomic Layer Deposition".

3-21-2023 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk during TMS 152nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego CA. Title: "Application of 2D materials as additives in hybrid perovskite solar cells for improved performance and stability".

3-20-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at University of California - Irvine, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Irvine CA. Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices”.

2-26-2023 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk during 2023 SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning, San Jose CA. Title: "Atomic Layer Deposition Derived Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Photoresists”.

1-24-2023 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at Lawrence Berkeley National Labotory, Molecular Foundry, Berkeley CA. Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices”.

1-13-2023 Bryan Seo, Matthew Yen, and Shi Ying Zheng joined as Undergraduate Research Assistants from Stony Brook University, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. Welcome to the team.

12-1-2022 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk during 2022 MRS Fall Meeting, Dec. 2022, Boston MA. Title: "Controlling Switching Stochasticity in Hybrid Memristors by Vapor-Phase Infiltration"

 Chang-Yong chaired a session (Neuromorphic Edge Computing Applications) and presented a contributed talk during the 5th International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices, & Systems (MEMRISYS 2022), Nov. 2022, Cambridge MA. Title: "Controlling Switching Stochasticity in Hybrid Memristors by Vapor-Phase Infiltration"

11-10-2022 Wonil presented a contributed poster during the Annual Materials Science & Chemical Engineering Research Day in Stony Brook University, Nov. 2022, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Feasibility of Dry Development of Hybrid EUV Photoresist Prepared by Molecular Atomic Layer Deposition"

 Chang-Yong presented an invited lecture at Stony Brook University, Dept. Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Application of atomic layer deposition techniques for microelectronics”

11-2-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited department colloquium talk at Stony Brook University, Dept. Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Energy-Efficient, Extremely Downscaled Semiconductor Devices”

10-9-2022 Chang-Yong organized the Nanomaterials Symposium (Advances in Emerging Electronic Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Enhanced Properties, Integration, and Applications) at Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) 2022, Pittsburgh PA, held during Oct. 9 - 12. He also presented an invited talk titled "Microelectronics Applications of Vapor-Phase Infiltration"

9-29-2022 Wonil presented a contributed talk during SPIE photomask technology + EUV lithography, Sept. 2022, Monterey CA. Title: "Low-energy electron exposure and reactive ion etching characteristics of hybrid EUV photoresist synthesized by molecular atomic layer deposition"

9-29-2022 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk during SPIE photomask technology + EUV lithography, Sept. 2022, Monterey CA. Title: "EUV patterning characteristics of indium-oxide-infiltrated PMMA hybrid photoresist synthesized by vapor-phase infiltration"

9-28-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at EMD Electronics / Intermolecular, September 2022, San Jose CA, Title: “Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Photoresists Derived from Vapor-Phase Infiltration”

9-27-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at Molecular Vista, September 2022, San Jose CA, Title: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI) Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids”

9-20-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during 2022 Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) User Meeting, September 2022, Virtual, Title: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration: Enhancing Functionalities of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Templates”

9-8-2022 Chang-Yong participated in 2022 SUNY-Applied Materials Research Institute (SAMRI) Workshop, September 2022, Virtual, and presented a talk titled: “Introduction to Quantum Materials Press (QPress) and 2D Materials Characterization Capabilities at Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory”

8-19-2022 Chang-Yong organized the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Symposium during the US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2022, which was held at Arlington VA during Aug. 18 - 19. He also presented an Invited Talk, entitled "Development of Hybrid EUV Resists by Atomic Layer Deposition".

7-18-2022 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Talk at the University of Science and Technology (UST) Global Mentoring Conference, July 2022, Virtual (South Korea), Invited Lecture, Title: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Microelectronics Applications“.

7-5-2022 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition"

6-29-2022 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk during the ALD/ALE 2022 Conference, June 2022, Ghent Belgium. Title: "Controlling Stochastic Resistive Switching in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Memristor by Vapor-Phase Infiltration"

6-28-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at IMEC, Advanced Patterning/Lithography Team, June 2022, Leuven Belgium. Title: "Atomic Layer Deposition Derived Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Resists and Applications of Vapor-Phase Infiltration"

6-9-2022 Wonil presented a contributed poster (speed talk) during the EUVL Workshop, June 2022, Virtual (Berkeley CA). Title: "Prepared by Molecular Atomic Layer Deposition for EUV Lithography"

6-9-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during the EUVL Workshop, June 2022, Virtual (Berkeley CA). Title: "Atomic Layer Deposition Derived Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Resists"

6-1-2022 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk during the 241st Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, June 2022, Vancouver BC, Canada. Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI) for Microelectronics Applications"

5-25-2022 Chang-Yong co-organized a workshop titled "Advanced Metrologies for Addressing Critical Microelectronics Challenges" during the NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting (Virtual), May 2022, Upton, NY

5-24-2022 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk during the 2022 MRS Spring Meeting (Virtual). Title: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI): An Emerging Hybrid Synthesis and Nanopatterning Method Derived from Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) for Microelectronics Applications

5-13-2022 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Ohio State University, May 2022, Columbus OH. T
itle: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI): An Emerging Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Synthesis and Nanopatterning Method Derived from Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) for Microelectronics Applications

5-12-2022 Chang-Yong was named as a Battelle Inventor of the Year. Chang-Yong attended the award ceremony held in Columbus OH. BNL media coverage can be found here: "Brookhaven Lab's Chang-Yong Nam Named a Battelle 'Inventor of the Year'"

5-11-2022 Ashwanth successfully finished his Ph.D. defense. His defense talk title was: Fabrication of Functional Nanomaterials via Infiltration Synthesis in Polymer Templates”. Congratulations Dr. Subramanian! Ashwanth starts as a Process Engineer at Lam Research in June.

3-2-2022 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk during the 
2022 TMS 150th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 2022, Anaheim CA (in-person/virtual hybrid due to COVID-19). Title: “Vapor-phase infiltration synthesis of functional organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites”

1-11-2022 Dan Le, a PhD student from Prof. Jiyoung Kim's group at the University of Texas at Dallas, Materials Science and Engineering Department, has joined the team as a Visiting Research Assistant under DOE SCGSR Fellowship. She will be working on the joint SRC project on the development of hybrid EUV resists based on molecular atomic layer deposition (MALD) for 8 months. Welcome.

1-3-2022 Chang-Yong participated in DOE AMO Virtual Workshop Series on Semiconductor R&D for Energy Efficiency: Workshop 4 – Advanced Packaging for Energy Efficient Microelectronics during Jan. 12 - 13.

12-29-2021 Team's infiltrated hybrid photoresist work has been selected as Top-10 Areas of Amazing Science at Brookhaven Lab in 2021. Congratulations to all.

12-17-2021 Chang-Yong organized the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Symposium during the US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2021, which was held at Garden Grove CA during Dec. 16 - 17. He also presented an Invited Talk, entitled "Controlling Switching Stochasticity in Hybrid Memristors by Vapor-Phase Infiltration".

11-17-2021 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Lecture at the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY (virtual). Title: "Atomic Layer Deposition Techniques for Microelectronics".

11-1-2021 Chang-Yong was featured on  BNL Newsroom: "Next-Gen Semiconductor Manufacturing Tech Wins DOE National Pitch Competition".

10-28-2021 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at the 34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021), Oct. 2021, Osaka Japan (Virtual due to COVID-19), Title: “Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Microelectronics Applications”.

10-22-2021 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at the Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) 2021, Oct. 2021, Columbus OH (in-person/virtual hybrid due to COVID-19). Title: “Grain Boundary Passivation for Enhancing Stability of Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells” .

10-6-2021 Chang-Yong delivered an Invited Lecture at the 12th International Symposium on Natural Sciences, Research Institute of Basic Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea (virtual due to COVID-19). Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Microelectronics".

9-29-2021 Chang-Yong won the 2021 DOE National Labs Accelerator Pitch Event, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA (virtual due to COVID-19), Pitch title: "VIPP: Vapor-Infiltration Photoresist Process Technology for Next-Generation Semiconductor Manufacturing by Extreme UV (EUV) Lithography".

 Nikhil successfully completed his postdoctoral appointment at CFN and started as a Scientific Associate (Staff Scientist) at CFN. Congratulations!

 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at 2021 SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting, Stanford CA (virtual due to COVID-19). Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Microelectronics Applications".

8-14-2021 Wonil officially joined the team as a Graduate Research Assistant. Supported by a SRC project, he will be working on the application of atomic layer deposition techniques on microelectronics applications. Welcome Wonil!

7-28-2021 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY (virtual, due to COVID-19). Title: "Electron Microscopy".

7-01-2021 Chang-Yong gave a Contributed Talk at the ALD 2021 Virtual Meeting (due to COVID-19). Title: "Three-Dimensional Conformal Coating of Particles Resting on a Surface by Vapor‐Phase Infiltration".

7-01-2021 Nikhil gave a Contributed Talk at the ALD 2021 Virtual Meeting (due to COVID-19). Title: "Ultrathin Amorphous Titanium Oxide Field-Effect Transistors with Large Gate-Induced Electron Mobility Modulation".

6-30-2021 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY (virtual, due to COVID-19). Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition".

6-8-2021 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at the 2021 EUVL Workshop, virtual. Title: "Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid EUV Resists by Atomic Layer Deposition".

6-8-2021 Nikhil presented a Contributed Talk at the 2021 EUVL Workshop, virtual. Title: "Vapor-phase Infiltration for High-sensitivity Hybrid Nanolithography Resists Synthesis".

Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at the Northrop Grumman/Brookhaven Lab Workshop, virtual. Title: "Vapor-phase infiltration for microelectronics applications".

Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at the 2021 TMS 150th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, virtual. Title: "Direct Backbone Attachment of Polyesters on Grain Boundaries Enhances Chemical Stability and Suppressing Ion Migration in CH3NH3PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells".

Ashwanth presented a Contributed Talk at the 2021 TMS 150th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, virtual. Title: "Antireflective Hybrid Nanocoatings Derived via Heated Liquidphase Infiltration in Hierarchically Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Film Templates".

2-22-2021 Nikhil presented a Contributed Talk at the SPIE Advanced Lithography 2021, which was held virtually. Title: "Hybrid resist synthesis by ex-situ vapor-phase infiltration of metal oxides into conventional organic resists".

1-27-2021 Our infiltrated hybrid resist technology (Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Photoresists for Next-Generation Microelectronics) was selected as Top 100 for the Create the Future 2020 Design Contest administered by Tech Briefs Media Group. 

12-17-2020 Chang-Yong organized the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Symposium during the US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2020, which was held virtually during Dec. 16 - 17. He also presented an Invited Talk, entitled "Ultrathin Amorphous Titanium Oxide Field-Effect Transistors with Large Gate-Induced Electron Mobility Modulation".

12-14-2020 Chang-Yong co-organized SIS 2020, the workshop for sequential infiltration synthesis (SIS) which was held virtually during Dec. 14 - 15.

12-14-2020 During SIS 2020, Chang-Yong, Nikhil, and Ashwanth all delivered Contributed Talks entitled, "Vapor-Phase Infiltration Enables Conformal Coating of Particles Resting on a Surface", "Ex-situ Vapor-Phase Infiltration Approach for Synthesizing Metal Oxide Containing Hybrid Resists for Next- Generation Nanolithography", and "Infiltration Synthesis of Optoelectrically Functional ZnO Nanoarchitectures for Sensing Application", respectively.

11-27-2020 Chang-Yong presented a Contributed Talk at the 2020 MRS Virtual Fall Meeting. Title: "Direct backbone attachment of polyesters on grain boundaries enhances chemical stability and suppressing ion migration in CH3NH3PbI3 hybrid perovskite solar cells".

11-06-2020 Chang-Yong organized the Nanomaterials Symposium (Advances in Synthesis and Integration Methods for Enhanced Properties, and Applications in Emerging Nanomaterials) at Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) 2020 which was held virtually during Nov. 2 - 6.

11-06-2020 During MS&T 2020, Chang-Yong presented an Invited talk entitled "Polymer Additives for Stable Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells" and two contributed talks entitled "Introduction to Research Capabilities at Center for Functional Nanomaterials, a DOE National User Facility" and "Modification of Membranes by Atomic Layer Deposition", respectively.

8-04-2020 Chang-Yong delivered a Keynote Lecture at the International Webinar on Frontiers in Materials for Technological Applications (FMTA 2020); organized by CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, India (virtual, due to COVID-19). Title: "Functional Organic-Inorganic Hybrids and Inorganic Nanostructures Generated by Infiltration Synthesis".

Chang-Yong gave a Contributed Talk at the ALD 2020 Virtual Meeting (due to COVID-19). Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists for Next-Generation Nanolithography".

6-30-2020 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY (virtual, due to COVID-19). Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition".

6-11-2020 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Talk at the 2020 EUVL Workshop, Berkeley CA (virtual, due to COVID-19). Title: "Vapor-Phase Infiltration Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists Towards EUVL".

6-10-2020 Nikhil gave a Contributed Speed Talk at the 2020 EUVL Workshop, Berkeley CA (virtual, due to COVID-19). Title: "Intriguing Etch Resistance Evolution in Hybrid Resists Synthesized by Vapor-Phase Infiltration".

Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the 2020 NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting, Workshop on BNL User Facilities 101 (virtual, due to COVID-19), Title: "Electron Microscopy".

4-29-2020 The user paper from Prof. Kwanghee Lee's group at GIST, to which Chang-Yong has contributed, has been published in Energy & Environmental Science and featured at BNL website and DOE Newswise.

3-10-2020 Chang-Yong has joined the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Materials (section: Translational Materials Science) as an Associate Editor.

2-26-2020 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the 2020 TMS 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego CA, Title: "Vapor-phase Infiltration Synthesis of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists for Next Generation Lithography".

2-26-2020 Ashwanth presented a contributed talk at the 2020 TMS 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego CA,Title: "Electrically Functional Three-dimensional ZnO Nanomesh Architectures Directly Derived from Vapor-phase Infiltration of ZnO in Hierarchically Self-assembled Block Copolymer Thin Film Templates".

2-25-2020 Nikhil presented a contributed talk at the SPIE Advanced Lithography 2020, San Jose CA, Title: "Infiltration Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists for Advanced Nanolithography".

1-08-2020 Ashwanth's paper entitled "Enhanced Hybridization and Nanopatterning via Heated Liquid-Phase Infiltration into Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films" was selected as a Supplementary Cover article in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations.

12-05-2019 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston MA, Title: "Vapor-phase inorganic infiltration into hierarchically self-assembled block copolymer thin films generates three-dimensional electroactive ZnO nanomesh".

11-14-2019 Nikhil and Ashwanth presented contributed talks during the BNL 2019 Early Career Researcher Symposium, Upton NY, each titled: "Infiltration synthesis of metal-oxide hybrid resists for advanced nanolithography" and "Fabrication of Electroactive ZnO Nanomesh Structures via Infiltration Synthesis into Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films", respectively.

11-06-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

11-05-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Colloquium at the Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston TX, Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

11-04-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University, Houston TX, Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

10-16-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk during SIS2019: Workshop on Sequential Infiltration Synthesis (SIS), Milan Italy, Title: "Functional hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

10-02-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk during the MS&T 2019 conference, Portland OR, Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

9-25-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM, Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by vapor-phase inorganic infiltration in polymer templates".

9-24-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk during the Annual CINT Meeting, Santa Fe NM, Title: "2D heterostructure Research at the Center Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory".

9-16-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA. Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

9-15-2019 Nikhil, Ashwanth, and Chang-Yong conducted beamline experiments at the EUV beamline of Advanced Light Source (ALS), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA to test the EUV exposure characteristics of infiltration-synthesized hybrid resists.

8-27-2019 Nikhil's paper on infiltration-synthesized hybrid resists was featured at BNL webpage and DOE Newswise.

8-15-2019 Chang-Yong organized the Materials Science and Engineering Symposium during the US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2019, held at Rosemont IL. He also presented an invited talk titled "Functional Hybrids and Inorganic Nanostructures Derived from Infiltration Synthesis in Polymer Templates".

8-14-2019 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Center for Molecular Engineering, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont IL. Title: "Functional organic-inorganic hybrids and inorganic nanostructures generated by infiltration synthesis".

7-24-2019 Chang-Yong resented contributed talk and poster at 2019 ALD conference, Bellevue WA, Titles: "ZnO-infiltrated hybrid polymer thin films with enhanced gravimetric water and oxygen vapor sensing properties" & "Ultrathin metal oxide passivation by atomic layer deposition enhances stability and performance of visible solar water splitting on solution-processed organic semiconductor thin films".

7-01-2019 Chang-Yong gave an Invited Lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition".

6-07-2019 Chang-Yong attended the annual GRL project meeting at the Imperial College of London UK and presented a contributed talk entitled "CFN capabilities and our recent efforts on application of organic semiconductors".

05-31-2019 Nikhil presented a contributed talk at the 2019 EIPBN conference, Minneapolis MN,  Title: "Vapor-phase infiltration synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite resist for next generation lithography".

5-23-2019 Chang-Yong served a NSF review panel for CBET DMREF program at Washington DC.

5-21-2019 Nikhil won the best poster award at the 2019 NSLS II & CFN Users' Meeting, Upton NY,  Title: "Advancing the Next Generation Nanolithography with Infiltration Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists". Congratulations!

5-20-2019 Nikhil and Ashwanth presented contributed posters at the 2019 NSLS II & CFN Users' Meeting, Upton NY,  Titles: "Advancing the Next Generation Nanolithography with Infiltration Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists" and "Vapor-Phase Infiltration Synthesis of Electroactive ZnO Nanomesh via Self-Assembled Diblock Copolymer Thin Films", respectively.

5-13-2019 William won the 2019 Fulbright Scholarship. Congratulations!

5-03-2019 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the 2019 IEEE LISAT, Farmingdale NY,  Title: "Application of Atomic Layer Deposition for Functional Organic-Inorganic Hybrids and Nanostructured Semiconductor Devices".

4-05-2019 Sayantani Sikder joined as a Graduate Research Assistant. She is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook University.

3-14-2019 Chang-Yong organized the 2019 Functional Nanomaterials Symposium at the TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held in San Antonio TX (March 11 - 15, 2019). Chang-Yong was also elected as the Secretary of Nanomaterials Committee of TMS's Functional Materials Division. Two contributed talks were delivered as well by Chang-Yong, entitled: “Distinctive Optoelectronic Signatures of Energy Transfer and Charge Transfer in Quantum-Dot-Sensitized Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Probed by Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy" & "Improving Stability and Performance of Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on Solution-Processed Organic Semiconductor Thin Films by Ultrathin Metal Oxide Passivation via Atomic Layer Deposition".

3-07-2019 Chang-Yong presented an invited Colloquium talk at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY. Title: "Materials Innovation in Hybrid Nanocomposites, Nanofabrication, and Semiconductor Nanostructures by Atomic Layer Deposition".

2-12-2019 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the University of Pittsburgh, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Pittsburgh PA. Title: "Atomic Layer Deposition Techniques Towards Materials Innovation in Hybrid Nanocomposite, Nanofabrication, and Semiconductor Nanostructures".

11-29-2018 Ashwanth presented a contributed poster at the 2018 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston MA. Title: "Fabrication of Electroactive ZnO Nanomesh via Vapor-Phase Materials Infiltration in Self-Assembled Pyridine-Based Diblock Copolymer Thin Films".

11-28-2018 Chang-Yong delivered an Invited Seminar for the Micro-Nano Seminar Series at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA. Title: "Fully CMOS-Compatible Synthesis and Photodetector-Integration of Ultrathin, Parallel-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Arrays by Infiltration Synthesis derived from Atomic Layer Deposition".

11-26-2018 Chang-Yong presented a contributed talk at the 2018 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston MA. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis via Atomic Layer Deposition: CMOS-Compatible Synthesis and Photodetector-Integration of Parallel-Aligned Ultrathin ZnO Nanowire Arrays".

11-2-2018 Chang-Yong delivered an Invited Talk at the South Eastern Regional Conference of American Chemical Society (SERMACS) 2018, Augusta GA. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis via Atomic Layer Deposition: CMOS-Compatible Synthesis and Photodetector-Integration of Parallel-Aligned Ultrathin ZnO Nanowire Arrays".

11-1-2018 Chang-Yong visited and delivered an Invited Seminar at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Physical and Optoelectronic Properties".

10-24-2018 Chang-Yong gave an invited class lecture for CME 101, Introduction to Chemical and Molecular Engineering, Stony Brook University.  Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition: Coating method for very very small (nanoscale) structures".

10-11-2018 Nikhil received a Best Presentation Award for the contributed talk he delivered at the BNL Early Career Researcher Symposium 2018, Upton NY. Talk title: "Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite Resists Using Infiltration Synthesis for Next-Generation Lithographic Patterning". Congratulations!

9-24-2018 Ashwanth officially started as a Ph.D. student directly supported by CFN. He will continue to work on the infiltration synthesis of functional 3D inorganic structures based on self-assembled block copolymer thin films.

8-23-2018 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejon, South Korea. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Physical and Optoelectronic Properties".

8-22-2018 Chang-Yong visited Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) in Inchon, South Korea and presented an invited seminar. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Physical and Optoelectronic Properties".

8-8-2018 William Serrano-Garcia joined as a Visiting Graduate Research Assistant. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida. William will spend 9 months with us to study the electrical properties of electro-spun organic semiconductor nanofibers.

8-3-2018 Chang-Yong presented two Invited Talks at the 2018 US-Korea Conference (UKC), Queens NY. Titles: "Application of Quantum Dot Sensitization on Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for Improved Light Harvesting"; "Materials Nanopatterning via Vapor-Phase Infiltration in Polymer Templates by Atomic Layer Deposition".

7-31-2018 Chang-Yong has served as a Program Committee for the 2018 ALD Conference held in Incheon, South Korea. He was also scheduled to deliver a contributed talk but had to cut short his trip. Great appreciation goes to Dr. Mato Knez of CIC nanoGUNE (Spain), one of the leading experts in the field, for kindly presenting Chang-Yong's talk on his behalf. Talk title: "Infiltration Synthesis of ZnO in a Non-Reactive Polymer Facilitated by Residual Solvent Molecules".

7-26-2018 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju, South Korea. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Physical and Optoelectronic Properties".

7-25-2018 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at Hanyang University, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Physical and Optoelectronic Properties".

7-2-2018 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Overview of Atomic Layer Deposition".

6-15-2018 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Talk at the Center for Plastic Electronics Annual Symposium, Imperial College of London, United Kingdom. Title: "Regulating Internal Morphology of Polymer:Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells with Tertiary Polymer Components".

5-21-2018 Ashwanth presented a contributed poster at the 2018 NSLS-II & CFN User Meeting, Upton NY. Title: "Micro-Dose Infiltration Synthesis of Electroactive ZnO Nanomesh via Self-Assembled Pyridine-Based Diblock Copolymer Thin Films".

4-17-2018 Chang-Yong presented an Invited Seminar at the University of South Florida, College of Engineering in Tampa FL. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Physical and Optoelectronic Properties".

4-16-2018 Chang-Yong delivered an Invited Talk at the 2018 SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing (DCS) Symposium held in Orlando FL. Title: "Application of Quantum Dot Sensitization on Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for Improved Light Harvesting".

3-26-2018 The team weleomed Nikhil Tiwale, who joined as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Nikhil received Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2017. He will work on application of infiltration synthesis on fabricating nanowire array photo- and chemical detectors.

3-15-2018 Chang-Yong co-organized the 2018 Functional Nanomaterials Symposium at the TMS 2018 147th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held in Phoenix AZ (March 11 - 15, 2018). Chang-Yong was also elected as the next year's lead organizer of the symposium. He also delivered a contributed talk entitled “Fully CMOS-Compatible Synthesis and Photodetector-Integration of Ultrathin, Parallel-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Arrays by Infiltration Synthesis”.

2-2-2018 Chang-Yong gave a colloquium talk at the Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Department, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, Title: “Materials Infiltration by Atomic Layer Deposition: Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocomposite and Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Enhanced Mechanical and Optoelectronic Properties”.

1-23-2018 Chang-Yong is again teaching ESM 542 Modern Electron Microscopy in 2018 Spring Semester at Stony Brook University.

1-19-2018 Chang-Yong delivered an invited colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, Auburn University, Auburn AL, Title: “Direct Patterning Semiconductor Nanostructures and Synthesis of Hybrid Materials via Material Infiltration by Atomic Layer Deposition”.

12-15-2017 Our recent work on the ultra-sensitive ZnO nanowire array photodetectors fabricated by infiltration synthesis (Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1700807 (2017)) has been selected as an inside front cover article in Advanced Optical Materials.

12-12-2017 Our recent work on the unique mechanical properties of metal-oxide-infiltrated polymer nanopillars (Nano Letters 17, 7416 (2017)) has been featured on the BNL website and

12-6-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Department of Chemical and Materials  Engineering, University of Nevada at Reno, Reno NV, Title: “Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Material Infiltration by Atomic Layer Deposition”.

11-29-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston MA, Title: “Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Material Infiltration by Atomic Layer Deposition”.

8-10-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the 2017 US-Korea Conference, held at Washington DC, Title: “Ultrahigh Elastic Strain Energy Storage in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Polymer Nanopillars Generated by Metal Oxide Infiltration Synthesis”.

8-9-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, Title: “Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Material Infiltration by Atomic Layer Deposition”.

8-4-2017 Brandon presented a poster at the Summer Research Symposium at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY. Title: "Ultrathin Si Solar Cells Sensitized by Energy Transfer from Semiconductor Nanocrystals: A Simulation Survey of Device Performance Enhancement”.

7-18-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder CO, Title: “Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Material Infiltration by Atomic Layer Deposition”.

7-17-2017 Chang-Yong attended 2017 AVS ALD Conference, held in Denver CO.  He presented contributed talk and poster entitled "Ultrahigh Elastic Strain Energy Storage in Metal-Oxide-Infiltrated Polymer Nanopillars Generated by Infiltration Synthesis" and "Fully CMOS-Compatible Synthesis and Photodetector-Integration of Ultrathin, Parallel-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Arrays by Infiltration Synthesis", respectively. 

6-29-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited lecture at the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, Title: “Introduction to Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells”.

5-4-2017 Sulman Khan and Ashwanth Subramanian are joining as graduate research assistants. Sulman and Ashwanth are masters students at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stony Brook University.

5-4-2017 Xinyi's first paper entitled “Effects of residual solvent molecules facilitating the ZnO infiltration synthesis in a non-reactive polymer” was accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations.

5-3-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ. Title: "Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Infiltration Synthesis”.

4-29-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at NRC 2017 held at Newark NJ. Title: "Application of Resonant Energy Transfer for Enhanced Light Harvesting in Ultrathin Solar Cells and Two-Dimensional Semiconductors”.

3-2-2017 Chang-Yong co-organized the 2017 Functional Nanomaterials Symposium at the TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held in San Diego CA (Feb. 26 - March 2, 2017). Chang-Yong was also elected as a JOM Adviser for Nanomaterials Committee of TMS. He also presented a contributed talk entitled "Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures and Synthesis of Hybrid Materials via Infiltration Synthesis".

2-3-2017 Chang-Yong co-organized the 2nd International Symposium on Science and Technology of 2D Materials, held at the University of Central Florida, Orlando FL (Feb. 3-4, 2017).

2-2-2017 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the NanoScience Technology Center, University of Central Florida. Title: "Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Infiltration Synthesis".

1-24-2017 Chang-Yong is teaching ESM 542 Modern Electron Microscopy in 2017 Spring Semester at Stony Brook University.

9-27-2016 Lei Wang joined as a graduate research assistant. Lei is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stony Brook University.

8-11-2016 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the 2016 US-Korea Conference, held at Dallas TX. Title: "Application of Resonant Energy Transfer for Enhanced Light Harvesting in Ultrathin Solar Cells and Two-Dimensional Semiconductors".

8-10-2016 Chang-Yong delivered an invited seminar at Dept. Materials Science and Engineering,  University of Texas at Dallas. Title: "Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Infiltration Synthesis".

6-6-2016 Brandon Yalin (Stony Brook University) and James Townley (University of Pennsylvania) jointed as Summer Undergraduate Research Interns. Brandon will work on a simulation study of ultrathin Si solar cells and James on ZnO nanowire array devices fabricated by infiltration synthesis.

6-2-2016 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Center of Nanophase Materials Sciences of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN. Title: "Synthesis of Hybrid Materials and Direct Patterning Inorganic Nanostructures via Infiltration Synthesis”.

5-23-2016 Xinyi Ye received a Student Scholarship Award for the 2016 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting and presented a poster entitled "Effects of Thermal Annealing on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO-Polymer Hybrid Thin Film Generated by Infiltration Synthesis”. Congratulations.

5-23-2016 Chang-Yong co-organized a Workshop entitled "Two-Dimensional van der Waals Semiconductors for Energy Conversion Applications” during the 2016 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting.

4-30-2016 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at NRC 2016 held at Englewood NJ. Title: "Overview of Device Nanostructuring for Efficient Polymer and Hybrid Solar Cells”.

2-15-2016 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at TMS 2016 Annual Meeting held at Nashville TN.  Title: “Inorganic infiltration in polymer templates via atomic layer deposition (ALD): Pathway for synthesis of hybrid materials and direct patterning inorganic nanostructures”.

1-29-2016 Chang-Yong gave a department seminar at  New Jersey Institute of Technology, Dept. Electrical & Computer Eng., Newark NJ. Title: “Device nanostructuring for efficient polymer and hybrid solar cells”.

1-4-2016 Xinyi Ye joined as a graduate research assistant. Xinyi is a master student at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stony Brook University.

10-17-2015 Chang-Yong gave a colloquium seminar at the Stony Brook University,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Talk title: "Application of nanofabrication for solar energy conversion and electronic devices" 

7-1-2015 Chang-Yong started serving an International Advisory Committee for the International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM). This year, AFM was held in Stony Brook NY.

6-30-2015 Chang-Yong attended 2015 AVS ALD Conference, held in Portland OR.  He gave a contributed talk entitled "Directed Patterning of Arbitrary Metal Oxide Nanostructures Using Polymer Template Nanoreactors" 

4-17-2015 Chang-Yong gave an invited department seminar at University of Connecticut, Materials Science and Engineering. Talk title: "Direct Patterning of Arbitrary Metal Oxide Nanostructures Polymer Template Nanoreactors" 

12-5-2014 Chang-Yong gave a colloquium seminar at the Stony Brook University,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Talk title: "Nanostructuring Materials for Energy Applications" 

11-1-2014 Chang-Yong was appointed as an Adjunct Professor at the Stony Brook University,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

10-13-2014 Chang-Yong gave an invited seminar at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Center for BioMicrosystems, Seoul, South Korea. Title: "Infiltration Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanostructures in Polymer Templates".

8-31-2014 Son left to assume a Postdoctoral Fellow position at the University of Connecticut, Prof. Puxian Gao's group. We wish him the best.

8-31-2014  Hugh left for a Ph.D. program at Cornell University (Chemical Engineering). Congratulations and wish him the best. 

7-11-2014 Chang-Yong gave an invited lecture at the Stony Brook University. Title: "Overview of Organic solar cells"

6-17-2014 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the 2014 Nanotech Conference held in Washington DC. Talk title: "Metal Oxide Nanopatterning by Infiltration Synthesis in Polymer Templates"

6-2-2014 Dr. Mohammad Sohel joined as a visiting faculty from the CUNY Hostos Community College. During summer, he will study temperature-dependent behavior of metal oxide infiltration synthesis on block copolymer templates.

4-29-2014 Chang-Yong gave an invited talk at Advanced Energy Conference held in Albany NY. Talk title: "Charge Transport in Organic Polymer Solar Cells".

2-19-2014 Chang-Yong presented an invited seminar at the Stony Brook University,  Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Talk title: "Infiltration Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanostructures in Polymer Templates".

8-8-2013 Chang-Yong presented an invited talk at the US-Korea Conference held in East Rutherford NJ. Talk title: "Infiltration Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanopatterns on Diblock Copolymer Templates".

2-4-2013 Son Hoang joined as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Son received Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2013. He will work on application of resonant energy transfer on inorganic photovolatic devices.

12-3-2012 Chang-Yong co-organized  Symposium K, "Hierarchically Structured Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage" at the 2012 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston MA.

10-25-2012 Hugh Bullen joined as a undergraduate Guest Research Assistant from Stony Brook University (Chemical and Molecular Engineering). He will be working on growth of ZnO nanowire arrays using chemical vapor deposition.

8-31-2012  Mingfeng Wang left to assume an Assistant Professor position at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Congratulations and we wish him the best.

8-31-2012  Jovan left for a Ph.D. program at University of Texas, Austin (Chemical Engineering). Again congratulations and good luck.

7-19-2012  Chang-Yeol Cho joined as a visiting Ph.D. student from Prof. Jun Hyuk Moon's group at Sogang University in Korea. Chang-Yeol will be working on developing solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells utilizing structured photoanode layer created by colloidal lithography.

4-1-2012  Jovan won the 2012 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ( Congratulations.

3-1-2012  Chang-Yong is co-organizing a research symposium entitled "Hierarchically Structured Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage" at the up-coming 2012 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (November 2012). More information on the symposium can be found on the MRS website (

1-3-2012  Mingfeng Wang joined as a Postdoctoral Research Associate.  Mingfeng received Ph.D. in Chemistry  from the University of Toronto in 2009 and has been working with Fred Wudl at UCSB as a NSERC Postdoctroal Fellow. In the group, he will study resonant energy cascading in hybrid nanowire solar cells.
10-17-2011 After a successful summer internship in the group, Jovan starts as a Undergraduate Research Assistant. He will work on utilizing self-assembled block copolymer nanopatterns for controlled aqueous growth of vertical metal oxide nanowire arrays.  

6-1-2011  Jovan Kamcev joined as a undergraduate summer intern (Department of Energy SULI program). Jovan is from the Stony Brook University (Chemical and Molecular Engineering) and will be working on band gap modification of ZnO nanowire arrays using aqueous transition metal doping.